by Kim Kamarudin | Sep 25, 2017
A tale of throat surgery For the past couple of years Steve has been losing sleep. As our previous blogs have informed and entertained you, we didn’t know what the issue was initially despite the lack of sleep, rings under his eyes, short temper and honking while...
by Kim Kamarudin | Feb 2, 2017
The dreaded CPAP So much has happened since I last shared about my beloved and his sleep-challenged nights. He underwent a gruelling CPAP trail. When I say gruelling, I mean challenging, frustrating, time consuming, time wasting, sleep depriving and marriage testing....
by Kim Kamarudin | Nov 10, 2016
Well, after an eventful sleep clinic adventure (notice I didn’t say restful) my loving, caring, special friend turned in to a grouch monster. I’m telling you, cos I have to live with him. I’m sharing my pain. Plus, he’s such a good sport about me writing and sharing...
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