For those that remember our blog Part Two – A Bump in Berlin, Steve suffered from a nasty sinus infection and the doctor that treated him made some interesting comments about his nasal passages and snoring. After this experience we added it to our to do list for when we returned home.
Sooooo, being a woman of action I messaged a sleep clinic, on hubby-dearests behalf, asking for help for him (and me) to get a good night sleep without often insanely loud snoring, breath holding and the resulting interrupted sleep. Knowing Steve’s reluctance to answer unknown telephone numbers if he doesn’t want to and his dislike of hospital procedures, I passed on his contact details and mine.
After the obligatory chasing around for a referral, I unexpectedly received a call from Sleep WA. The lovely office lady had left a message for Steve, which he had not returned, so obviously they called me. I had a giggle to myself and said I would be able to schedule a sleep study appointment for him.
Low and behold, they had a last minute cancellation, so I contacted Steve via text and considering the next available time was three weeks away he agreed and we booked him in.
That was the moment darling husband o-mine started freaking out.
Steve: “What if they tell me I can’t dive anymore? What if they need to take out my adenoids?”
Me: “What’s the problem with that?”
Steve: “I just don’t like surgery or hospitals!”
Airing his worries and concerns was the main topic of conversation on the way to the hospital.
We parked, he was admitted carrying his backpack and pillow and while having his blood pressure tested, asked if I would stay for a while.
Me: “To be honest, I want to go home and have a good night’s sleep!”
The look I got was something between shock and humour – hehehaha!
I held his hand for a little bit longer and then fled.
The rest is photographic evidence and from the patient’s perspective.
Sooooo, being a woman of action I messaged a sleep clinic, on hubby-dearests behalf, asking for help for him (and me) to get a good night sleep without often insanely loud snoring, breath holding and the resulting interrupted sleep. Knowing Steve’s reluctance to answer unknown telephone numbers if he doesn’t want to and his dislike of hospital procedures, I passed on his contact details and mine.
After the obligatory chasing around for a referral, I unexpectedly received a call from Sleep WA. The lovely office lady had left a message for Steve, which he had not returned, so obviously they called me. I had a giggle to myself and said I would be able to schedule a sleep study appointment for him.
Low and behold, they had a last minute cancellation, so I contacted Steve via text and considering the next available time was three weeks away he agreed and we booked him in.
That was the moment darling husband o-mine started freaking out.
Steve: “What if they tell me I can’t dive anymore? What if they need to take out my adenoids?”
Me: “What’s the problem with that?”
Steve: “I just don’t like surgery or hospitals!”
Airing his worries and concerns was the main topic of conversation on the way to the hospital.
We parked, he was admitted carrying his backpack and pillow and while having his blood pressure tested, asked if I would stay for a while.
Me: “To be honest, I want to go home and have a good night’s sleep!”
The look I got was something between shock and humour – hehehaha!
I held his hand for a little bit longer and then fled.
The rest is photographic evidence and from the patient’s perspective.
They did spirometer tests, nasal function tests and fitted me with all sorts of sensors to monitor for eye movement, jaw clenching, chest and stomach movement, nasal and mouth breathing. They even shaved sections of my legs to attach monitors for movement during sleep.
I looked like a man in a machine, covered in wires.
I think it took me three hours to get to sleep and then they woke me at 5.30am, gave me a cup of tea and asked me to complete a bunch of forms before feeding me and sending me on my way.
Now we wait for the report!
Do you or your other half snore? Or stop breathing and then wake yourself up when you sleep?
I looked like a man in a machine, covered in wires.
I think it took me three hours to get to sleep and then they woke me at 5.30am, gave me a cup of tea and asked me to complete a bunch of forms before feeding me and sending me on my way.
Now we wait for the report!
Do you or your other half snore? Or stop breathing and then wake yourself up when you sleep?
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